Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics 8th Edition


Miller’s Review of Orthopaedics has long been considered the go-to certification and recertification review guide for every orthopaedic resident, fellow, and surgeon – and the 8th Edition has been fully revised to efficiently and effectively prepare you for exam success.

Drs. Mark D. Miller and Stephen R. Thompson, along with expert contributors in the field, ensure that this bestselling review tool provides you with maximum knowledge in the least amount of time, keeping you up to date with the latest medical advances and helping you improve the safety, effectiveness, and efficiency of your practice.

About the Author

Mark Miller

Affiliations and Expertise

S. Ward Casscells Professor, Department of Orthopaedics, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia

Stephen Thompson

Affiliations and Expertise

Cooperating Associate Professor of Sports Medicine, University of Maine, Medical Director, EMMC Sports Health, Deputy Editor, The Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery, Eastern Maine Medical Center Bangor, Maine; Cofounder and Codirector, Miller Review Course Part II, Denver, Colorado.

Book Details

Pages3311 Pages
Publisher Elsevier
Date 25th October 2019
eBook ISBN9780323609807

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