Monday, March 10, 2025

Deja Review Surgery 1st Edition

Flash cards in a book for the Surgery shelf exam and the USMLE Step 2 CK - written by students forstudents"The authors have done...

Deja Review Behavioral Science, Second Edition 2nd Edition

"Deja Review provides a review of biostatistics, epidemiology, ethics and health care systems in a manner that I have not found in other review...

3-2a Carcinogenesis Part 1

CARCINOGENESIS I. BASIC PRINCIPLES A. Cancer formation is initiated by damage to DNA of stem cells. The damage overcomes DNA repair mechanisms, but is not lethal. i. Carcinogens...

3-3b Carcinogenesis Part 2

CARCINOGENESIS I. BASIC PRINCIPLES A. Cancer formation is initiated by damage to DNA of stem cells. The damage overcomes DNA repair mechanisms, but is not lethal. i. Carcinogens...

3-4c Carcinogenesis part 3

CARCINOGENESIS I. BASIC PRINCIPLES A. Cancer formation is initiated by damage to DNA of stem cells. The damage overcomes DNA repair mechanisms, but is not lethal. i. Carcinogens...
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