Deja Review Emergency Medicine, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition
Deja Review: Emergency Medicine boils down your coursework to just the critical concepts you need to know for exam success. This unbeatable guide features...
Deja Review Pediatrics, 2nd Edition
Deja Review: Pediatrics, 2e boils down your coursework to just the critical concepts you need to know for exam success. This unbeatable guide features...
USMLE Step 1 (Deja Review) 2nd Edition
"This book was excellent, and well organized. The 'make the diagnosis' section was great--lengthy and thorough--just like Step 1. It was nice because it...
Netter’s Correlative Imaging: Cardiothoracic Anatomy (Netter Clinical Science), 1e ed
Cardiothoracic Anatomy, the third title in the brand-new Netter’s Correlative Imaging series, provides exceptional visual guidance for thoracic, chest wall, lung, and heart anatomy....
Deja Review Psychiatry 1st Edition
Deja Review: Psychiatry boils down your course work to just the critical concepts. Drawn from the perspectives of top students fresh from their shelf...