Chest X-Rays for Medical Students: CXRs Made Easy 2nd Edition
Chest X-rays for Medical Students offers a fresh analytical approach to identifying chest abnormalities, helping medical students, junior doctors, and nurses understand the underlying physics...
Brant and Helms’ Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology 5th Edition
Publisher's Note: Products purchased from 3rd Party sellers are not guaranteed by the Publisher for quality, authenticity, or access to any online entitlements included...
Chest Radiology: Patterns and Differential Diagnoses 7th Edition
Sharpen your skills in chest x-ray interpretation using this trusted clinical resource! Chest Radiology: Patterns and Differential Diagnoses, 7th Edition, by Dr. James Reed, walks you...
Essentials of Abdomino-Pelvic Sonography: A Handbook for Practitioners 1st Edition
Sonography has emerged as a substantial diagnostic tool today. This handbook aims to cover ultrasound physics, abdominal and obstetric sonography, color Doppler, high-resolution...
Accident and Emergency Radiology: A Survival Guide 3rd Edition
Since it was first published, Accident and Emergency Radiology: A Survival Guide has become the classic in-my-pocket-reference and an indispensable aid to all those...