Insall & Scott Surgery of the Knee, 5e 5th Edition
Online and in print, Insall & Scott Surgery of the Knee, edited by W. Norman Scott, MD, and 11 section editors who are experts...
High-Yield™ Pharmacology (High-Yield Series) Third Edition
Now in its Third Edition, High-Yield™ Pharmacology provides a succinct review of pharmacology while clarifying difficult concepts. Need-to-know information is presented in a clear,...
High-Yield™ Neuroanatomy (High-Yield Series) Fourth Edition
Now in its Fourth Edition, this best-selling book extracts the most important information on neuroanatomy and presents it in a concise, uncluttered fashion to...
High Yield Histopathology 2nd Edition
High-Yield Histopathology reviews the relationships of basic histology to the pathology, physiology, and pharmacology of clinical conditions that are tested on the USMLE Step...
High-Yield™ Gross Anatomy (High-Yield Series) Fifth Edition
High-Yield Gross Anatomy, Fifth Edition provides a concise review of gross anatomy material tested on course and board exams. The streamlined outline format includes...