Thursday, February 6, 2025

Deja Review Internal Medicine 1st Edition

Deja Review: Internal Medicine boils down your course work to just the critical concepts. Drawn from the perspectives of top students fresh from acing...

Hankey’s Clinical Neurology, Second Edition 2nd Edition

Since the publication of the highly successful first edition, there has been an explosion of rigorous scientific evidence for interventions in clinical neurology. Hankey's...

John Murtagh’s General Practice 6th Edition

John Murtagh's General Practice 6th Edition is the book for all GPs, registrar and student GPs. This text is widely recognized as the most...

Goldman-Cecil Medicine, 2-Volume Set, 25e (Cecil Textbook of Medicine) 25th Edition

Since 1927, Goldman-Cecil Medicine has been the world’s most influential internal medicine resource. In the ground-breaking 25th edition, your original purchase ensures you will...

Deja Review Internal Medicine, 2nd Edition 2nd Edition

Deja Review: Internal Medicine boils down your coursework to just the critical concepts you need to know for exam success. This unbeatable guide features...
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