[highlight color=”red”]Mammographic Imaging: A Practical Guide 3rd Third Edition[/highlight]
Mammographic Imaging: A Practical Guide is the definitive, and only comprehensive, text in mammography for radiologic technology and mammographic technology. Revised to include new content on the increasingly common fundamental technology in digital mammography, this book is a must-have resource for technologists who need to stay current in breast imaging, as well as students preparing to enter the field. A new, dynamic two-color design helps to more clearly outline the topics covered, while new pedagogical features and ancillaries make this edition ideal as a core education resource.
A companion website includes a registry exam-style question bank, image bank, PowerPoints, and case studies/situational judgment questions, plus instructor resources such as PowerPoint slides, lesson plans, an image bank, a test bank, and answers to the case studies/situational judgment questions.
Editorial Reviews
, J.K. — “This text is the most comprehensive book available for mammographic imaging. I am glad that the currently reviewed chapters on digital mammography, image storage and retrieval, as well as other breast cancer imaging technologies will be incorporated into the upcoming edition.”-J.K. Midwestern State University, Sheree Phifer — “The new chapters are a good update to this textbook. Students should find the material extensive, up-to-date and easy to understand.”-Sheree Phifer, Midwestern State University University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Deborah Espen, MSRS, RT (R)(M) — “I really like the writing style. The chapters are easy to read and understand. This makes it great for technologists. A lot of books are written from the radiologist’s point of view and may be harder to understand.”-Deborah Espen, MSRS, RT (R)(M), University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Product details- Series: Point (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins)
- Hardcover: 608 pages
- Publisher: LWW; Third edition (October 22, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1605470317
- ISBN-13: 978-1605470313
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