The Emergency Medicine Trauma Handbook 1st Edition


Trauma is a leading cause of death and disability around the world, and the leading cause of death in those aged under forty-five years. Conditions such as airway obstruction, hemorrhage, pneumothorax, tamponade, bowel rupture, vascular injury, and pelvic fracture can cause death if not appropriately diagnosed and managed. This essential book provides emergency physicians with an easy-to-use reference and source for traumatic injury evaluation and management in the emergency department.

It covers approaches to common, life-threatening, and traumatic diseases in the emergency department, for use on shift and as a reference for further learning. Each chapter includes a succinct overview of common traumatic injuries, with evaluation and management pearls and pitfalls. Highly illustrated with images from one of the busiest trauma centers in the US, and featuring expert contributions from a diverse set of attending physicians, this is an essential text for all emergency medicine practitioners.

Editorial Reviews

Book Description

Trauma is a leading cause of death and disability around the world. This book provides emergency physicians with an easy-to-use reference and source for traumatic injury evaluation and management in the emergency department. It can be used on shift and as a reference for further learning.

About the Author

Alex Koyfman is an assistant professor/assistant program director of emergency medicine at University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. Dr Koyfman is an author with more than 170 peer-reviewed publications and an editor of four books. He is Editor-in-Chief for

Brit Long is an attending emergency physician and assistant professor of emergency medicine. Dr Long is an author with over 150 peer-reviewed publications and an editor of two books. He is Associate Editor-in-Chief for

Book Details

Pages369 Pages
PublisherCambridge University Press
DateOctober 17, 2019

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