A Practical Guide to Joint & Soft Tissue Injection 4th Edition PDF Kindle


A Practical Guide to Joint & Soft Tissue Injection 4th Edition PDF Kindle Edition 2022

Featuring highly illustrated, evidence-based information along with high-quality videos, A Practical Guide to Joint & Soft Tissue Injection is the definitive guide to effective injection procedures that can be performed with simple equipment in a variety of settings. Expanded and updated for the fourth edition, this practical, award-winning guide thoroughly explains the rationale and step-by-step technique for each procedure, helping you offer patients immediate relief from pain and discomfort. 

  • Covers a full range of musculoskeletal disorders, chalazions, keloids, warts, and occipital neuralgia, as well as the use of corticosteroids, viscosupplementation, and dry needling. 
  • Contains new sections on Orthobiologics, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound, and Advanced and Adjunctive Techniques. 
  • Includes all-new content on facial/head nerve blocks, treatment of intersection syndrome, hamstring tendon/ischial bursa, gluteal pain syndrome, Baker’s cyst, and midfoot joint injections. 
  • Features new coverage of auricular battlefield acupuncture, barbotage, tendon brisement, fenestration, nerve hydrodissection, capsular hydrodilatation/hydroplasty, and percutaneous tenotomy with debridement. 
  • Includes 25% more video content, with all videos shown from the operator’s viewpoint. 
  • Features full-color illustrations and photographs that help you identify landmarks and determine exactly how to proceed. 
  • Discusses anatomy and landmarks, when to refer, indications and contraindications, special medical conditions, equipment, complications, coding and billing, and much more. 
  • Provides helpful appendices with consent forms, aftercare handouts, and information on documentation. 

A Practical Guide to Joint & Soft Tissue Injection 4th Edition PDF Kindle Edition

Book Details

FormatPDF Kindle Edition
Size47313 KB
Page392 pages
PublisherWolters Kluwer Health
DateApril 19, 2021
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