Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates Pathology 4th Edition PDF


Exam Preparatory Manual for Undergraduates Pathology 4th Edition PDF 2020

•Incorporated competency-based undergraduate curriculum for the Indian medical graduate as per Medical Council of India (MCI). Richly illustrated in multicolor
•Core Competencies (CC) and non-core competencies (NC) are highlighted. Text boxes also provide nice-to-know information that will be very useful for students appearing for viva voce (oral) and competitive examination. This information is usually not provided by the standard textbooks in pathology and is an additional attraction
•Provides basic concepts of diseases required to be known by undergraduate students
•Provides knowledge of pathology in a simple, lucid, easily understandable, and reproducible format
•The book is divided into three sections namely General Pathology (Chapters 1 to 10), Hematology and Clinical Pathology (Chapters 11 to 15), and Systemic Pathology (Chapters 16 to 27). Two new chapters on Basic Diagnostic Cytology and Blood Banking and Transfusion are added in this edition
•Concise text in bullet form for easy review and recollection
•Rapid review of the book is assisted by providing key points in bold words so that it will help the student to just brush through the entire book within a few hours before the examination or viva voce
•Provided with usual questions asked in the theory examination. Clinical-oriented cases, clinical scenarios,s and interpretation of common urinary abnormalities, cerebrospinal fluid changes, and liver function tests are added in this edition. Frequently asked questions are given in the red-colored font
•Appendices provide various important bodies and their associated conditions, important cells in various lesions
•Text enhanced by illustrations, flowcharts, tables, gross photographs, photomicrographs, clinical photographs, and radiographs.

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Book Details

FormatPDF Kindle Edition
Pages2722 pages
DateNovember 30, 2019
PublisherJaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
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