Management of Thyroid Cancer and Related Nodular Disease 2006th Edition


This book covers all aspects of thyroid cancer.

Heavily illustrated and including pathology, thyroid and whole-body scans, ultrasounds and other nuclear medicine and radiological studies, the book addresses important issues that physicians should cover when dealing with their patients.

The text is designed for physicians, endocrinologists, nuclear medicine physicians, general and head and neck surgeons, oncologists and radiation oncologists, and primary care doctors.

Other groups are residents, medical students, and nurse practitioners researching a patient-related problem.

From the Back Cover

Management of Thyroid Cancer and Related Nodular Disease is an authoritative, readable book covering all aspects of thyroid cancer. The text is extensively referenced and includes personal experience of 35 years working with patients with thyroid disorders, including thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer. The chapters are supplemented with many illustrations including pathology, thyroid and whole-body scans, ultrasounds and other nuclear medicine and radiological studies. Important questions that patients may ask their physicians are highlighted, indicating the topics the physician should cover.

Thyroid anatomy and physiology, as well as the management of thyroid nodules are covered. There are several pathological varieties of thyroid cancer and these are reviewed with examples. A chapter about the etiology and pathogenesis of thyroid cancer covers the role of radiation and gene abnormalities. Chernobyl is referred to in this chapter as well.

Management of Thyroid Cancer and Related Nodular Disease is designed for physicians, including primary care doctors, endocrinologists, nuclear medicine physicians, general and head and neck surgeons, oncologists and radiation oncologists. Others groups who will find an interest in part, or all of the book are residents, medical students, and nurse practitioners when they research a patient-related problem.


Product Details
Hardcover: 398 pages
Publisher: Springer; 2006 edition (December 16, 2005)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1852339659
ISBN-13: 978-1852339654


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