185 TS-ICU Trauma and Surgical ICU Evidence Based Critical Care Protocols 2015


2015-icu-protocolsThere is growing interest in the use of Evidence-based clinical practice guidelines as a means of reducing inappropriate care, and making more effective use of health care resources. Moreover a standardized approach to management is desirable for optimal patient care and safety, improving communication and understanding between members of the ICU team and associated specialties.

Critical care protocols should be used to inform healthcare staff by providing guidance on what is thought to be the best option regarding a specific aspect of care or the consensus on how a given situation is usually best tackled. But they cannot and should not be used in an attempt to replace expert decision-making which weighs up all the aspects of each individual situation.

Our goal in Kasr Alainy hospital, Anesthesia department is to provide the highest level of patient care, by using Evidence-based medicine which joins experience-based practice in a multidisciplinary approach.




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